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Fassi License

Fassi License is a free and open source license created by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). It is a permissive license that allows users to freely use, modify, and redistribute software, provided that credit is given to the original creator. The license is intended to promote the development and sharing of software, while protecting the author’s intellectual property rights.

To use Fassi License, you must include the license text in your project. The license text is available on the FSF website. Additionally, if you modify the source code of the software, you must include a notice indicating that the code has been modified. You must also retain any copyright notices that are present in the source code. Additionally, if you redistribute the software, you must make sure that the license and copyright notices are included with the redistributed version of the software. Finally, you must not use the name of the original author or the FSF to promote your modified version of the software.

Why do you need a Fassi License

To use Fassi License, you must include the license text in your project. The license text is available on the FSF website. Additionally, if you modify the source code of the software, you must include a notice indicating that the code has been modified.